Hormones, diet, exercise, what brings relief and what makes the headache worse?

“Kids, stop yelling because I’m going to get a headache,” is a phrase you’ll often hear at family gatherings. According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), 90% of the population has suffered a headache at some point in their life and it accounts for one in four visits to neurology services. It is estimated that 1.5 million people in Spain suffer from them for a long time, that is, they have headaches for more than 15 days in a month. But why do they suffer?

Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including various medical conditions. Some of the most common causes are stress, muscle tension, dehydration, poor posture, lack of sleep, certain foods, and environmental factors. These are called primary headaches, because the headache itself is the main problem. Apart from this, there are also disorders like aneurysm, meningitis, sinus infection, tumors and head injuries that can cause headache, which are secondary in these cases.

The specific cause of a headache can vary depending on the person and the type of headache they experience. For example, migraines are often associated with physical changes in the brain and surrounding blood vessels, which can trigger the release of certain chemicals and cause inflammation, ultimately causing pain. They also have a significant genetic component, so if someone in the family suffers from them they are more likely to suffer from them.

Tension headache is the second most common type of headache after migraine. The pain occurs around the neck, temples and forehead, as if we are wearing a hat that is too small. Tension headaches usually respond well to physical therapy, relaxation therapy, and anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant medications.

Cluster headaches are rare, but very painful. These severe headaches usually occur several times a day for a few days to weeks, and then disappear for varying periods of time, usually weeks to months. This is a relatively brief type of headache (compared to migraine) that usually lasts between 20 minutes to two hours. It is always unilateral and is associated with symptoms such as nasal congestion, tearing, dilated pupil or drooping of the eyelid on one side.

Tension headache is the second most common type of headache after migraine. The pain occurs around the neck, temples and forehead, as if we are wearing a hat that is too small.

Hormones and Headaches

Migraine is more common in women than men. It is estimated to affect 17% of men, compared to 6% of men. Although the exact mechanisms are not yet known, it is known that estrogen, the female sex hormone, has a lot to do with it.

In women, the frequency of migraine attacks varies throughout the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and is also influenced by the use of hormonal contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy during menopause. A decrease in estrogen in the luteal phase of menstruation (after ovulation) often triggers migraines in women who suffer from it.

The explanation is that the decline in estrogen that occurs at this stage of menstruation produces changes in prostaglandins, which constrict blood vessels, reduce endorphins, opioids produced by the brain, and increase prolactin, which causes migraine headaches and migraines. Menstruation may explain migraine. In contrast, high and sustained levels of estrogen during pregnancy usually provide relief from headaches.

Estrogens also decrease after menopause in women and this is associated with the appearance of migraine. Hormone replacement therapy with estrogen helps relieve symptoms. Combined birth control pills, which contain progesterone and estrogen, also help with headaches for the same reason.

exercise and headache

Tension headaches are often related to physical activity, but physical exercise can also help relieve headaches. As in other cases, the exact cause of tension headache is not completely known, but it is believed to be excessive stimulation of the neurons that innervate the muscles of the head and neck. This also explains why these headaches are influenced by behavioral factors such as stress, poor posture and muscle tension.

There are also activities that can cause extreme headaches, such as coughing or sneezing, sex, straining in the bathroom due to constipation, and even doing aerobic exercise or weight training. Additionally, there are studies that indicate that exercise can relieve headaches in some cases, with varying results. One study found that just two minutes of strength exercise is enough to provide relief from tension headaches. The review of studies also concluded that both aerobic and strength exercise can help symptoms of both tension headaches and migraines, but results vary from individual to individual, so it is best to experiment based on your own. What works for.

food and headache

Have you identified any foods that give you headaches? Here the studies are even more vague, because factors such as possible allergies and intolerances to foods and their ability to cause inflammation are involved. It seems that it is the latter, the ability of food to cause inflammation, that is most closely related to headaches in general.

However, it is known that foods that have anti-inflammatory properties can trigger migraines in people who already suffer from migraines. For example, here you can find certain cheeses and chocolates, but it depends a lot on the sensitivity of each person. Thus, it is known that for some people sausages, caffeine, citrus fruits, nuts, bananas, dairy products, legumes or red wine can cause headaches.

The ability of a food to cause inflammation is most closely related to headaches in general.

On the other hand, headaches may appear when we stop eating, as they are related to low blood sugar levels during fasting and are one of the most common side effects in people doing intermittent fasting. In other cases, the headache does not appear when we take something, but rather when we stop taking it. A striking example is alcohol, when it is eliminated from the body and a hangover appears with a headache. Another is coffee, as caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches in some people.

Headache remains a mysterious and complex disease with complex treatment. If there is no obvious cause, we have to experiment with different situations, foods or activities to find out what causes us headaches and what makes them go away. And, of course, always consult health professionals.

*Dario Pescador is editor and director of Quo magazine and author of the book your best self Posted by Oberon.


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