Questions may arise about the most appropriate way to preserve eggs, because when we buy them they are at room temperature and then we put them in the refrigerator to ensure that they do not spoil. And simply moving them to the refrigerator helps keep them fresh.
This practice, which is very common, is based on the need to achieve a balance between temperature and thermal changes, that is, avoiding sudden changes.
The Inter-Professional Organization of Eggs and Their Products (INPROVO) of Spain states that Changes in temperature, especially if they go from low to high, can have the effect of condensation of water on the surface of the shale., Which in turn causes the entry of microorganisms into the interior of the egg through the pores, indicates 20 minutes.
It is most recommended to keep eggs at room temperature during the marketing process, to prevent the product from being affected by extreme thermal changes.
Inprovo indicates, “Once the egg reaches the market, hygienic management in the preservation and preparation of the food is essential to prevent food poisoning and to be able to benefit maximum from its many nutritional and healthy properties.”
One way to preserve eggs is to keep them in the refrigerator.
Keeping eggs in the refrigerator guarantees greater durability and preserves the properties of said food, this is because refrigeration helps maintain quality and freshness for a longer period of time.
When storing eggs in the refrigerator, another recommendation is to only remove eggs that are going to be used, this will reduce the time the eggs stay at room temperature. This prevents the possibility of condensation and protects the integrity of the product, indicates 20 minutes.
keep reading:
, World Egg Day: Myths and benefits related to its consumption
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