Miracles of Modern Medicine

Miracles of Modern MedicineShaun Thew – Pool via CNP

Who has seen you and who sees you! The first impression was of the “State of the Union” speech, which the North American president gives every year in front of both houses of Congress to great fanfare for the American “State of the Union”. , something that the authors of the Constitution of 1787 considered necessary in a time without television, mobile phones or airplanes.

Instead of disappearing with the new media, the tradition has been strengthened and the speech is followed by many, but not even the majority of the population: this year, 27 out of 340 million Americans listened to the speech for a long time. Applause or protest almost every minute.

This is almost the lowest number in the last 30 years, less than half the number who listened to Bill Clinton or George Bush. Only one other speech had fewer viewers: Biden’s two years earlier, half a million fewer.

The speech was also a tribute to the modern arts: The president, who we have seen here and around the world become disoriented while walking, his voice breaks and he forgets what he was going to say in mid-sentence. His appearance changed: no muttering, no broken voice, no slowness in speaking.

The 80-year-old president became angry, revitalized, and full of vocal and lungful energy, which allowed him to scream for more than an hour, allowing him to insult his political rivals, decry the mistakes of the Republican opposition, and lash out at the Supreme Court. Allowed to reprimand judges. And warned that the United States would face apocalyptic threats if the majority of the population makes the mistake of voting for Donald Trump and returning him to the White House.

The speech was a departure from the norm, as it did not begin by talking about the state of the American Union, but rather by talking about the international situation, particularly in Ukraine, although, like other messages of this type, There was no shortage of the phrase “the state of the Union is good”, which naturally aroused as much criticism among his radicals as admiration among the Republican opposition.

Biden’s nervousness is partly explained by the proximity of the general elections, which, although they will not come for another eight months, have already entered the preparation phase. Possibly also because it was necessary to take advantage of the extraordinary strength he enjoyed and, presumably, his medical team did not recommend repeating it too often. Perhaps you want to conserve this energy for the Democratic Convention, which isn’t until August.

As expected, Biden’s intervention before Congress pleased his supporters, especially the most progressive elements, because neither his tone was cordial, nor his proposals moderate, nor his conciliatory language: “rich” businessmen. And raising taxes on individuals, blaming these rich people for everything victimizes “the people” and protects not only the poor, but also those who do not here – or anywhere else – suffer from scarcity. are: Up to $400,000 in annual income, no one will pay any more taxes.

This is a good strategy, because this group includes many high-ranking officials, directors of research centers, and media personalities who are already in the Democratic ranks and who should not be lost.

Many of these people live in the Washington area, where more than 90% of people vote for the Democratic Party and where the per capita income is about $72,000, almost double the national average of $42,000.

Those who expected Biden to help the opposition were surprised, but his followers were overjoyed. Among Republicans, on the other hand, Biden still has work pending on attracting moderates, and the same is true for lukewarm Democrats or those who declare themselves “neutral.”

Neither Trump nor Biden can win with only the most loyal elements of their party.

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