Prevention of thermal stress in the transportation of food animals to take care of their well-being

Buenos Aires – In times of high temperatures, National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (SENASA) recommends to transporters of food animals by country Take preventive measures to reduce the effects of heat stress during transportation,

Stress is an adaptive response that allows animals to cope with environmental challenges, including changes in temperature. When optimal conditions are exceeded, the body attempts to adapt to the new environmental condition. However, at high ambient temperatures, adaptive mechanisms fail to dissipate the excess heat generated. Heat stress is the name given to the group of physiological and behavioral changes that occur in animals when they are subjected to environmental conditions that exceed their comfort temperature or thermoneutral zone and are unable to regulate their internal temperature. Are there.

In addition to its negative effects on animal welfare, heat stress can also cause,

•Reduction in feed consumption and feed efficiency.

•Decreased weight and body condition.

•Decreases in performance and reproductive rates.

•Increased risk of diseases.

•In dairy animals, there is a decrease in milk production in litres, as well as an increase in somatic cell count along with a decrease in the percentage of fat and protein.

• Increase in mortality rate.

Animal-specific factors – such as age, color and hair length – influence sensitivity to heat stress, Senasa remembers that The animals most affected are those whose body fat levels are stored at the highest levels and that Black-furred and terminally ill animals are most at risk,

Ways to avoid heat stress while transporting animals

,check weather forecast Avoid traveling before planning a trip and on very hot days.

,plan activities And prepare necessary documents to reduce the waiting time of animals in enclosures.

,load field Late afternoon or early morning, avoiding previous tasks and moving animals during the hottest hours.

,Do not shake or put them aside just before loading.Do this in advance, leaving them in the shade and in a pasture with access to clean, fresh water.

,use authorized vehicles And appropriate for the species and category.

,Respect the permitted load density, Provide more space in transportation when temperatures are high.

,avoid long distances And prevent traffic collisions or traffic jams on routes.

,avoid stopping During the journey. If necessary, stop, find a place in the shade and for as short a time as possible.

,to ensure Adequate ventilation in the vehicle.

,When using removable roof coversMake sure air is circulating while the truck is running.

,schedule download In conjunction with the destination establishment, to prevent animals being left waiting in the vehicle.

Considering these measures will help improve animal welfare and benefit various actors in the livestock chain.

If you have any questions, consult a veterinarian. Complying with animal welfare is a benefit to all species.

Related Notes

Preventive measures against heat stress in dairy animals

Measures to prevent heat stress in beef cattle and promote animal welfare


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