Six yoga asanas to work on mental well-being

Taking care of yourself inside and out is one of the main challenges faced by 21st century women. According to the study future of dating 2023Three out of four youth find a person more attractive who is willing to work for them mental well being, on the occasion of International Women’s DayA well-known dating application provides users of the platform with the tools they need to take care of both their physical and emotional well-being with the Female Mantra app, a definitive yoga practice designed to explore feminine energy, strength and potential. Is. , With health and yoga expert, Amalia PaniyaAn exercise routine has been created, composed of six seatsWhich serves as a tool for self-knowledge and emotional management, allowing the relationship with our body to be in perfect harmony.

yoga asanas

1. Lotus Pose or Padmasana

This asana opens the hips and makes the ankles and knees more flexible, thereby toning the spine and abdomen. Meditation postures help us calm down, improve concentration, connect with our breath, and become aware of our bodies.

how to do it, Sit with your legs crossed and your feet under your knees. Support your sit bones, lengthen your back and drop your hands to your knees. You can opt for Sukhasana or Ardha Padmasana. For more flexibility, try Full Lotus or Siddhasana. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing and physical sensations.

Peaceful Warrior Pose or Shanti Virabhadrasana strengthens the legs, tones the arms and opens the hips. Additionally, it connects you to your inner strength, increasing confidence and self-esteem. Promotes a calming energy that improves concentration and sense of presence.

how to do it, Open your feet twice as wide as your hips. Direct your front foot forward and perpendicular to the edge of your mat, while turning your back foot inward. Bend your front leg until your knee aligns with your ankle and extend your back leg, which will activate your quadriceps. Rest your back arm on your outstretched leg and raise your front arm toward the sky, also directing your gaze upward. Remain in this posture for 5 breaths and then change legs.

Dance Pose or Natarajasana: This balancing pose opens the chest by bending it backward, improving posture and making the spine stronger and more flexible. Additionally, it strengthens the legs and promotes internal and external balance, calming the mind and harmonizing the nervous system.

how to do it, Standing, place your weight on your right foot and step your left foot back. Move the leg outwards with the same hand. Extend your arm behind you and lean your torso forward, opening your chest and gently arching your back. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths, slowly return and change legs.

4. Half Pigeon Pose

Ardha Pigeon Pose or Eka Pada Kapotasana facilitates opening and flexibility of the hips, opens the chest, tones and lengthens the spine, stretches the glutes and psoas. Opening the hips releases emotions and helps us reconnect with our bodies. If we finally lean forward, we create a space that invites reflection and introspection.

how to do it, Get on all fours, extend one leg back and bring the foot in front of you toward the opposite hand, bending the knee and trying to keep the hip parallel to the ground. Rest your hands on your sides or on your chest while lengthening your back. Hold for 5 breaths and lower your body to the ground, using your hands to form a pillow to support your forehead. Wait as long as you want and change legs.

5. Shoulder stand

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana Known as the “Queen of Inverted Asanas,” this asana offers many benefits, such as stimulating blood circulation and the thyroid gland, toning the back and core, relieving constipation and leg fatigue. Give. A sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, by turning the body upside down, you provide a new perspective that can help calm the mind and gain emotional distance.

how to do it, Lying face up, bend your knees with your feet flat on the mat and your arms at your sides. As you inhale, lift your legs up and bring your hands behind your back, trying to form a triangle with your head. Spread your legs and bring your big toes close together while keeping your back on the floor. Alternative: If the pose is too demanding, simply elevate your legs or lean them against a wall. And to undo it? Gently lower your feet to the floor behind your head and, supporting your back with your hands or resting them on the mat, round your back and return until you bring your knees to your chest .

6. Reclining Goddess Pose

Reclining Goddess Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana opens the hips (it is highly recommended for pregnant women) and chest, makes the lower back more flexible, relieves menstrual pain, counteracts stress and Promotes a state of peace and relaxation.

how to do it, Lying on your back, bring the soles of your feet together, reach your arms behind you or drop them to your sides. You can also place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Connect your breaths and hold for as long as you want. If your waist area is too tight, you can place a pillow under each leg.

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