They do health research in space to produce medicine in space

for the purpose of generating Health advances have been made on Earth and in space, NASA Expedition 70 conducts research of human benefit. campaign 70’s International Space Station (EEI) was launched in September 2023 to conduct research on cardiovascular health, cancer treatment and manufacturing methods in space.

In January 2024, cells were analyzed inside the Kermit microscope to learn how to predict and prevent cancer on Earth and in space. Such research helps create measures that reduce the likelihood of cancer in future missions, as well as develop techniques to identify and treat the disease.

On the other hand, another analysis conducted by Expedition 70, CARDIOBREATH, examines how cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations combine to control blood pressure during space flight. These findings may improve understanding of these mechanisms on long missions and aid in the development of methods to evaluate the effects of spaceflight on blood pressure and cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Similarly, another research project aims to investigate how microgravity affects the formation of different types of crystals to generate personalized medicines for space.

DNA NanoTherapeutics-Demo 2, a project that seeks to investigate nanomaterials that mimic DNA with the aim of developing beneficial treatments for space travelers. flight engineer, Loral O’Hara, Processing of messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein samples was carried out in a life science glove box. This box is called life science glove box (LSG) is a work area developed for life science and technology research.

Whereas, flight engineer Mohd. Matthew DominicCardiovascular research was conducted using an ultrasound device to scan the engineer’s chest, mike barrett, Barrett also used electrodes, took blood pressure readings, and collected blood and urine samples for later analysis. These studies are part of the CIFER project, which is based on 14 investigations of physical behavior in missions of varying duration.

Expedition 70 will land in the spring of 2024, while the crew Oleg Novitsky Of Roscosmos, Marina Vasilievskaya Of belarus And O’Hara, Will return to Earth in a spacecraft on April 6 Soyuz MS-24,

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