5 small changes in your daily routine that will keep you happy

The secret to happiness doesn’t exist, but there are many habits that can directly affect us, and to which we are not paying enough attention. Especially in your daily routine, where small changes can make a difference.

before and after your well being,

It is clear that we cannot always be in a good mood, or make optimism our daily ally

There must be a place for gray days too In our lives. But, even if they exist, you can always face them with a different perspective and approach, and that can also be worked on to achieve success.

1. Take care of both your body and mind

It has been proven that physical activity energizes our body, producing serotonin, which

it’s the hormone of happiness, Moving daily is essential to feeling better about yourself. If you’re someone who doesn’t find a traditional gym appealing, there are thousands of options to choose from.

You can practice sports in small groups, where you feel more comfortable and you can also meet new people, such as Pilates or yoga. Or simply, if it’s a sunny day in your city, you can always resort to a walk in the street or park, because

Outdoor sports are highly recommended.

On the other hand, it is equally important to take care of our mind. In fact, even more, because it can play very nasty tricks on us. You have to manage aspects like frustration or loneliness, know how far you can go and set realistic goals, as well as learn

Know yourself and enjoy time alone, Loving yourself is the starting point to achieving personal well-being.

2. Work on your personal relationships

To be happy it is necessary to take care of friendships or family relationships. Even if you know how to live alone, everyone needs people around them who can help them.

act as a support in difficult timesOr with whom we can open our hearts after a bad day.

In them we also have to work on communication, knowing the other person’s needs and they have to know our needs too. Having empathy is the key to a good foundation,

Knowing how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes It’s not always easy, but it’s undoubtedly a great step in personal development.

3. Be grateful

How many times have we used the phrase “anything happens to me”? It is a way of complaining against an injustice that we believe fate has undeservedly dealt us. but in reality it is so

Our response to not knowing how to handle a shock.

a good way to do

Journalism is about seeing the positive side of your life., It is a daily exercise based on answering questions such as: “What is the best thing that happened to you today?”, “Tell me 5 positive things about your day” or “What made you happy?” With this, even if something unpleasant has happened, you will know how to see the good side of small things and you will realize that really good things always happen to you.

4. Accomplish your goals

to set goals

A great way to feel fulfilled, even if they’re irrelevant things like organizing the closet or changing the sheets. The main thing is not to put off work, as this usually leads to feelings of guilt for not being able to do what we should be doing.

A good way to handle this point is

Write down everything you want to do every day All day. As the day progresses, you’ll cross tasks off the list, checking to see if you’ve accomplished everything you set out to do before going to sleep.

5. Learn to relax

This point is very important, and perhaps it is the one that we apply the least in our daily routine. Perhaps because of the stress of work, taking care of children and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we think we don’t have time to stop, but we always can.

Even if it’s just 5 minutes,

Take some time for yourself, close your eyes and let your mind go blank. You can do this through meditation, lying down or sitting cross-legged, with relaxing music or in complete silence. this exercise is great

drive away bad thoughts And to know yourself better.

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