How health insurance can help you deal with stress

At we understand that mental health is an important part of your life, because it is part of your well-being. We want to explain to you how health insurance protects not only your body, but also your mind, providing the necessary tools to manage stress and take care of your mental health.

In this article we are going to help you know how to detect stress and we will tell you what types of treatments exist to treat it thanks to health insurance.


In this article you will find…

Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that you don’t know how to deal with, which pose a threat to your body. When you encounter change or pressure, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare the body for a rapid response, whether it is fight, flight, or coping with the situation. At first glance, this sounds good, however, constant or chronic stress can have harmful effects on your mental and physical health. It can negatively impact your quality of life, cause sleep problems, contribute to heart disease and affect your emotional well-being.

Nowadays life has become complicated, so we have to face different types of stress, whether it is related to work, health or due to other reasons. Next we are going to talk to you about different types of stress. Why is it important to know them? Because understanding them helps you find the right insurance to take care of you in any situation and ensure you’re protected when you need it most:

  • acute stress: It is an immediate reaction to a specific situation. This can be positive, such as stress before a presentation, or negative, such as a reaction to immediate danger.
  • chronic stress: It is experienced over a long period of time and is often related to long-term conditions, such as work problems, financial problems or complicated relationships. This can have long-term effects on physical and mental health.
  • episodic acute stress:This occurs in people who frequently experience intense stress. They are people who feel overwhelmed with many responsibilities and constant worries.
  • traumatic stress: It occurs as a result of traumatic experiences, such as devastating natural events, serious accidents, or situations of violence. This can have serious effects on mental health.

Now that you know what stress is and what are the main types of stress, we are going to tell you what simple and effective remedies exist to reduce the stress that is on you. From proven methods to new options, we’ll guide you to get the relief you need:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and stress-related behaviors. It is effective in developing coping skills in complex situations.
  • Relaxation therapy: It includes techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga to reduce physical and mental stress. These exercises promote relaxation and provide relief from stress.
  • exposure therapy: Mainly used to treat post-traumatic stress. It involves gradually confronting situations or memories that generate stress, thereby helping to overcome negative reactions.
  • Psychiatric medications: In cases of severe stress, medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help regulate mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can improve your ability to deal with stress by promoting awareness and acceptance of what you are going through in the moment.

Next we will tell you how health insurance will prove to be your best ally in stress management. We are going to explain to you in an easy and clear way how these coverages not only take care of your wallet when you need it most, but also give you access to important tools to keep your mind balanced:

  • Access to mental health professionals: Comprehensive health insurance gives you access to specialized professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, who can help you understand and manage the causes of your stress.
  • Specific treatments and remedies: Coverage for specific treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, gives you practical tools to relieve stress and change negative thinking patterns.
  • Mental Health Prevention and Promotion Programme: Mental wellness programs included in some health insurance policies provide you with resources to prevent stress, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and tips for managing daily pressures.
  • Immediate emergency care: In crisis situations, health insurance guarantees quick access to psychological care, helping you manage acute stress and providing the necessary emotional support.
  • Teletherapy and Virtual Consultation: Teletherapy and virtual counseling services facilitate access to mental health, allowing you to get professional help without having to physically travel.
  • Wellness Treatment: Health insurance covers alternative practices like acupuncture or physical therapy, which can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

In We offer you health insurance options that value the importance of taking care of your mental health. Remember that stress is part of life, but with the necessary support you can learn to manage it and live a more balanced and healthy life. When choosing health insurance, you are investing not only in your present, but also in your future, without long waiting lists for specialist consultations, undergoing medical tests and direct access to all types of medical specialties. In We know each person is unique, and that’s why we offer you personalized options that fit your specific needs.

Do you know…

Surely you didn’t know that moderate amounts of stress can have positive benefits for performance and motivation. This is known as “eustress” and refers to a positive form of stress that can help you cope, improve focus, and increase productivity. This stress can cause your body to react in certain ways to help it cope with difficult situations.


  • Stress is a natural response of the body to situations that it perceives as dangerous or difficult to handle. In response to changes or pressures, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
  • Although these hormones prepare the body for intense reactions, chronic stress can have harmful effects on mental and physical health, affecting quality of life, sleep, contributing to heart disease and affecting emotional well-being. Can do.
  • Currently we face different types of stress, such as acute (immediate reaction), chronic (long-term), acute episodic (persistent) and traumatic (caused by traumatic experiences).
  • There are various treatments to reduce stress, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation therapy, exposure, psychiatric medications, mindfulness and meditation.
  • Health insurance is an essential ally in stress management. They provide access to mental health professionals, specialized treatments, mental wellness programs, emergency care, teletherapy, and wellness treatments such as acupuncture or physical therapy.
  • At we understand the importance of taking care of your mental health. With the right support, you can learn to manage stress and live a more balanced and healthy life.
general question

Does health insurance cover psychological treatment for stress?
Is there any insurance that covers wellness activities like yoga or mindfulness classes?
Is there a psychology shortage in health insurance?

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