How long does it take to get results from physical exercise?

Human beings are short-lived, even more so in today’s society. We want it all and we want it now. If you’ve started exercising, you’re probably wondering how long it will take to see an impact on your general health and well-being. Before answering this question, we need to remember that the body has its limits and more exercise is just more, not necessarily better.

With this out of the way, your physical condition levels may improve dramatically from one week to the next if you come from a few years of a sedentary lifestyle, but there are thousands of factors that prevent anyone from giving an accurate and real answer. Let’s stop from. Nevertheless, we are going to try to understand what results you can expect depending on the exercises you do:

Even small amounts of exercise can make a big difference in the long run

It is worth knowing that even a little exercise is better than none. There is countless research and medical evidence. For example, a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that over a 15-year period, people who ran only a few times a week (with a an average of five minutes a day) there was one 30% less risk of death Compared to those who did nothing. People who ran more had healthier hearts.

30 minutes of aerobic exercise is enough to make it noticeable in your mood

Regardless of the intensity, movement has a positive emotional impact. a simple thirty minute walk This improves your mood. This was demonstrated by a study published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine that aimed to verify the effect of physical activity in patients treated for depression.

This is not a false feeling, active people have better humor and emotion.

Do you want to minimize? These will be the minimum guidelines to pay attention to for your health

In order not to bore you with statistics and studies from different countries, keep in mind that less than 25% of people over the age of 18 comply with the recommended minimum physical activity guidelines. World Health Organization. Those guidelines call for healthy adults to get a minimum of two and a half hours of moderate-intensity activity weekly, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity and strength training at least two days a week. Of course, when you see that by ‘moderate intensity’ they mean mowing the lawn or dancing, and by vigorous intensity exercise they mean running without any extra specifics, turn it off and walk away.

WHO recommendations

How much do I need to do to counteract the effects of hours spent in front of a screen?

It’s important to follow basic fitness guidelines, but we’re talking about how long it will take me to notice the effects of physical exercise on my fitness, and most studies show that minimal physical exercise offsets the losses. Not enough for. action. have a sit. To do this, you basically need to increase the overall recommendations substantially between 60 and 75 minutes daily Moderate intensity exercise.

improve a specific physical condition

If every time you lift some weight above your head you feel that your arms or shoulders are getting weak and you try to solve it with the famous 10,000 steps, but there is nothing to do. To achieve focused improvement in any physical quality, you need structured training To achieve this improvement normally at least three days a week.

What if I am short on time and need to do express training?

If your circuit-type workout is a very high-intensity 7 to 10-minute workout, you should do it about five times a week to see results.

A few small things can be very effective, but the shorter duration must be compensated for with greater frequency and intensity. If you exercise for a short period of time and only once a week, you may not notice anything. With this type of training it is also highly recommended that we try to increase our daily NEAT and not go beyond those seven or ten minutes of high intensity by spending the rest of the day only in the chair.

Okay, but when will I notice this?

People’s muscles begin to strengthen and their ability to contract improves. a few weeks After starting any training program. Even if you don’t see anything in the mirror, it doesn’t take long for changes to occur in the body. Keep in mind that about a week after starting an exercise program, mitochondriaEnergy factories for cells start up multiply Providing more fuel for the muscles.

After two to four weeks, your nervous system becomes more efficient at muscle contraction. between After six and eight weeks, You may have 50% more mitochondria, which helps provide greater stamina. It’s possible that at this point (a few months, which is not that long) someone will already tell you that it deserves attention, if only because of your mood, or you will notice it in a hole in the belt that was there before. Narrow. too much. When these little things happen, the motivation comes to give you extra energy and dedication to what you are doing. It works better this way, the results motivate you because the reward for the effort is appreciated, not the other way around, you don’t fall out of bed motivated and you become an athlete overnight. Be consistent in the beginning, trust the end result and put yourself in the hands of professionals to help you in the process.

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