How to recognize depression so as not to confuse it with sadness

It is important to know how to correctly recognize depression so as not to confuse it with sadness (Freepik)

A common colloquial expression among Peruvians is “estoy depre”, which means “I am sad” and is used when someone is sad. But Depression And this the sadness They are not the same and it is important to recognize the differences between the two emotional well-being And this mental health Of the people.

In 2022, comprehensive health insurance (SIS) provided more than 650 thousand people with diagnoses related to Depression, Whereas, according to the Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa), more than one million cases of depressive episodes were recorded in minors between 6 and 17 years in 2023.

bearing this in mind Depression affects the mental health For a large number of Peruvians, both adults, children and teenagers, it is essential to know how to identify it correctly so as not to confuse it. the sadness,

Feeling sad is part of the human experience, so everyone experiences this emotion at some point in their lives (illustrative image infobay)

the sadness Emotional pain is a feeling that is usually triggered by specific events, such as the death of a loved one, failing at an important goal, or not achieving a desired goal. This emotional state, although we often try to avoid it, is considered a normal reaction to life’s adversities.

Despite continuous efforts to achieve failure and pain-free existence, experiencing the sadness it is inevitable. So it is important to recognize that feeling the sadness It is part of the human experience and everyone experiences this emotion at some point in their lives.

Far from being a negative emotion, the sadness It does a healthy job. Although it may be uncomfortable, it teaches us to value life and facilitates the process of adaptation to important changes. acceptance of the sadness A legitimate feeling is necessary for emotional well-being Because it allows us to cope and overcome difficulties, as explained by the Berkeley Wellness Institute, a research center that focuses on the connection between health and well-being.

Depression is a mental disorder that can have a profound impact not only on the person suffering from it but also on those close to them (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Depression it’s a complex Mental Disorders According to the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), which can manifest through a variety of debilitating symptoms that significantly affect a person’s ability to perform daily tasks such as working, eating, or sleeping. This condition does not discriminate based on age, race, income, culture or education, highlighting the need for adequate understanding and treatment tailored to each patient.

symptoms of Depression They can vary widely between individuals, but generally involve consistent emotions. the sadnessLoss of interest in activities that were previously a source of pleasure and difficulty concentrating.

Interactions between genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors are possible triggers. Depression, it Mental Disorders This can have a deep impact not only on the victim but also on those close to them. That is why the importance of early detection cannot be underestimated, as timely intervention can significantly improve mental health of people from Depression,

In case of depression, it is necessary to seek help from mental health professionals such as a psychologist and/or psychiatrist (Freepik)

between the sadness And this Depression There are many differences and it is important to keep them in mind to accept the first as a part of your life and seek professional help if the second. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights the following differences:

  1. While everyone can feel the sadness At some point in their lives, not all people suffer Depression,
  2. the sadness It is caused by a situation that is frustrating or painful for no particular reason. But Depression This does not necessarily have to be an external cause, it could be, for example, due to low levels of serotonin in the brain.
  3. the sadness This usually lasts for a few weeks and does not prevent doing daily activities. in the matter of DepressionIts duration can extend for months or years and does not allow those who suffer from it to function in their daily lives.
  4. in the symptoms of the sadness These include, for example, frequent crying, listening to sad music or spending more time alone. while when you feel pain Depression Symptoms are more numerous and intense and include the following: feeling empty most of the time, despair, feeling worthless or guilty, increased or decreased appetite, sleeping too little or too much, lack of energy or feeling constantly tired, feeling suicidal. Thinking or harming yourself.
  5. Period of the sadness They can be crossed in the company of family and friends, but in case Depression It is necessary to seek help from professionals mental health Such as a psychologist and/or a psychiatrist.

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