Jose Torres challenged scientists and said that the Sun is a ball of ice. news from mexico

CALIFORNIA.-Singer Jose Torres has expressed a surprising theory about the Sun, saying it is actually an ice sphere rather than a fiery sphere.

In his statements, Torres challenged the common belief that the Sun is the source of heat and light, arguing that, contrary to this belief, it is a giant piece of matter. snow,

According to Torres, the concept is based on the idea that just as a small piece of ice can burn skin, a giant piece of the same material, 50 times larger than Earth, would be able to produce heat.

Furthermore, he points out that the fact that we do not feel heat space This is because there is one side of the sun where snow also falls.

Although these claims challenge conventional scientific understanding, Torres defends his approach, suggesting that his knowledge comes from a Intelligence Divine. Despite criticism for his ideas, the singer is happy with the lessons he has learned and his apparent special connection with this controversial solar theory.

What exactly is the Sun?

The Sun is a star, a hot, glowing ball of gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, that emits light and heat due to reactions nuclear Basically.

The Sun’s energy is produced through the process of nuclear fusion in which hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, a process that releases huge amounts of energy.

The temperature at the center of the Sun is approximately 15 million degrees Celsius, which allows nuclear reactions to occur. Light and heat generated in the core spread toward the surface and then radiate into space.

Image of the solar system. Photo: Pixabay

Sun is essential to sustain life land, because it provides the energy needed to maintain biological processes and maintain adequate temperatures on our planet. In addition, the Sun exerts a strong influence gravitational In the solar system and holds the planets, including the Earth, in orbit around it.

(TagstoTranslate)Jose Torres

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