Let us guide you to know if it is suitable for you

The MIR exam is not always passed on the first attempt. The possible avenues that open up after the examination is over and the final result of each candidate is known are many but not all of them are equally ‘simple’. Dream feature is not easy to get And there are very few people who achieve this wish for the first time. But what happens to those who are on the verge of crossing MIR or achieving their ideal destination? Academies should, at that time, get involved in the management What errors have occurred during preparation?How to psychologically manage options or even Develop a test as a “diagnosis” To see if it is appropriate for the applicant to retake the exam.

Pilar PerezAcademic Coordinator of MIR AMIR Academy Explains a key to coordinating the steps to be followed with this type of students: personalization. “It is essential that these candidates who decide to retake the MIR exam special teacher like giving them concrete guidelines Work more with self-assessmentIn which the student will learn from his/her mistakes, or from the history of the most frequent failures, to improve performance.

Some of the most frequently occurring errors among these applicants who are unsuccessful or do not receive the required order number for their location are: Use of inappropriate plans, working with duplicate information, not prioritizing topics, practicing too quickly or slowly and not even following academic guidelines. “These special tutors have to adapt schedules and give them guidelines, for example, how to do simulations in less time than scheduled, work on the ‘big book’ of questions differently, do more self-assessment, Review certain topics more often and, of course, Customize Tracking,

How does an academy consider post-MIR options?

Fernando de TeresaThe Academic Director of CTO explains that if a student raises the possibility of repeating MIR, there are steps they can take to help with that decision. Diagnosis “Similar to Diseases”, “We ask them some questions and based on the answers we decide the best option. We ask them whether they have passed MIR, whether they are clear about the specialty they want to choose or the geographical location and What has been your experience with the exam? And they will have an idea of ​​when they go through another year of study,” he says.

Errors in MIR preparation such as using inappropriate plans can lead to poor results in the MIR exam.

Based on their answers, the CTO guides students to their most “affordable” option. If they have a clear idea about the specialty and the place, then they believe that it will be necessary to try for one more year. But, in other situations, the most obvious recommendation is usually to choose a different specialty than the one they wanted. “Because there’s a good chance he’ll like you.”: “If in doubt, we recommend choosing a specialty, they are all interesting and professionally attractive.”

At AMIR, in case of people who are not approved, they solve the problem error analysis, Pérez admits, “Fortunately, we tell repeaters that the MIR is convened every year and that a one-year delay in the start of the FSE does not mean that tomorrow they will not be able to reach what they dream of. ”

In the case of students who are considering repeating it but may already have chosen a place in the first exam, AMIR asks them to carefully analyze all the options. Many characteristics are the “great unknown” And they may find someone who calls them: “A former student considered doing neurology, she repeated MIR because she couldn’t do it the first time and when she made it, after a year, she realized that “She wanted to do neurophysiology, a specialty from which he had already reached his first MIR,” he recalls.

MIR with psychological support

AMIR HAS THEM Support from professional psychologists specialized in FSE With those who work on managing stress and uncertainty for those considering repeating exams. In case of CTO, lina de teresaThe CTO who coordinates the student support department explains that their main job is to understand that failing MIR or not achieving a place “doesn’t say anything about you or your value as a person.”

“The first thing we advise them is not to change things about themselves, because that’s when self-esteem problems and insecurities start. Secondly, you have to think of an action plan. They should not live with the consequences of blaming and hurting themselves for not getting what they wanted. If they decide they want to repeat, they have to do so.” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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