Preventing tinnitus improves hearing

Studio shot of attractive young woman with dark hair wearing casual casual clothes, closing her eyes and covering a sore throat with her hand as she has some hearing problems. Health, people and the concept of pain

Tinnitus, that annoying internal tune, is not a disease in itself but a symptom that tells us that something in our auditory system is not working correctly. It is quite common: it affects 10 to 15% of the world’s population.

Tinnitus, also known as tinnitus, The perception of a persistent internal sound in the ears or head in varying degrees of intensity, with no external source of the actual sound that causes it, and which can only be heard by the affected person. This sound may be a hum, whisper, roar, click, ring, static or hiss. In some cases this can be very annoying and even interfere with daily life.

multiple causes

Dr. Rafael Cabrera, @drrafaelcabrera, specialist in otorhinolaryngology at the Santa Paula Medical Group (GMSP), explains, “Although this condition is more common in older people, it is actually not related to age, “And there is a higher incidence of tinnitus in young people due to misuse of sound intensity.”

He further said that “Repeated exposure to loud noises or high-intensity sounds causes acoustic shock or damage to the hair cells of the inner ear, Which are responsible for detecting sound and sending signals to the brain. When damaged they can send out random signals, which can cause tinnitus.

Triggers include: listening to music at high volumes, such as at concerts or clubs, and excessive use of headphones, especially in-canal headphones. But it is also possible to be exposed to loud noises, such as machinery or explosions, in the workplace.

Reasons may also include:

  • underlying health problems: Certain medical conditions, such as Ménière’s disease, age-related hearing loss, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, among others, can increase the risk of tinnitus.
  • Medicines: Some ototoxic medications, such as high-dose aspirin, certain antibiotics, and tricyclic antidepressants, can cause tinnitus as a side effect.
  • is it important Remember that, in many cases, the cause of tinnitus cannot be identified. In these cases, we speak of idiopathic tinnitus.

The expert said that “If you experience tinnitus, it is important that you consult an ENT doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis usually involves a physical examination and hearing evaluation. Additionally, tests may be performed to rule out other possible causes of symptoms, such as an ear infection or tumor.

He emphasizes that, at GMSP “Our goal is to help the patient turn tinnitus into a distant sound, learn to live with it and not let it control their life, so that they can enjoy it to the fullest.”

The expert explained that, to live with tinnitus “you should avoid exposure to high-intensity sounds, reduce stress and anxiety, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet and limit alcohol.” And caffeine consumption should be avoided.”

He points out that, in any case, “prevention is important, because, once tinnitus appears, its treatment can be very complex.” Recommended: Use appropriately sized headphones that cover the entire ear, and have regular hearing checks, especially if you are frequently exposed to loud sounds.


There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are several treatments available to help manage the symptoms. These treatments include:

  • sound therapy:This involves listening to specific sounds that can help mask tinnitus.
  • cognitive behavioral therapy:It can help people learn to manage stress and anxiety that can make tinnitus worse.
  • Medicines: In some cases, medications may be helpful in controlling tinnitus, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications.
  • hearing aid equipment: In some cases, hearing aids can help improve hearing and reduce the perception of tinnitus.

In this regard, people who have symptoms and want to rule out the possible existence of tinnitus can turn to the GMSP Otorhinolaryngology service, where the specialist will indicate the procedures to be followed to provide the patient with better hearing .

Under extreme biosecurity conditions that guarantee the safety of procedures at all times in modern and comfortable facilities, GMSP has high-quality experts and cutting-edge technology to evaluate and treat this condition at all ages at reasonable prices. Services. It also has operating rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology and provides high quality diagnostic, medical and health care.

With the support of its parent company Caralti, GMSP operates work and solutions to provide access to health to those who are looking for the best option for their medical problems, that is why it is the best option, the clinic that The question that is on everyone’s mind is whether people have an insurance policy for everyone or not.

To attend GMSP, request appointments and get more information, you need to write to Clinica 25464225 via WhatsApp at 0414/0424/0412 or through the website You can follow him on social networks Instagram, Facebook as @grupomedicosp. X (formerly Twitter) and Threads.

Source: Comstat Roland Comprehensive Strategic Communications

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