The Chair of Emotional Intelligence was created to improve the well-being and quality of life of the Navarre population

The Chair of Emotional Intelligence was created to improve the well-being and quality of life of the Navarre populationUnai Berez

Caja Navarra Foundation And this UNED’s Affiliate Center is created in Pamplona jointly A chair of emotional intelligence that aims to “respond to new social challenges”. Emotional intelligence, as explained by the president of the aforementioned Foundation, José Ángel Andrés, “contributes to the well-being of people, and therefore to the well-being of society, above all, by providing resources to prevent and confront mental problems. Contributes to.” Health.” “. Thus, he further said, The project “could have a huge impact on citizens’ personal well-being and quality of life”.Improvements in interpersonal relationships at work, in the family or with friends, such as performance, teamwork and the ability to adapt to changes in a rapidly changing, turbulent and unpredictable society.

This was highlighted at a press conference held on Wednesday to introduce the new chair. As indicated by UNED of PamplonaThe interest in producing this chair is based on identified social needsAt the same time training, research and knowledge transfer can have a significant impact on many sectors of the Navarre population.

In general terms, as he said, “It can be seen how in current educational systems students are fundamentally being trained in the area of ​​cognitive or intellectual intelligence, With the attainment of knowledge, but, still, They are not or barely trained in emotional intelligence.”, Therefore, he said, “Because of this.” We face many conflict situations At work, in the family, in the neighborhood, in the classrooms of training centers… it can be solved positively with adequate knowledge, regulation and expression of our emotions.”

Likewise, in the public sphere, in the media, on social networks, in private conversations, “we can understand how difficult it is for us to defend our ideas with arguments without resorting to verbal violence, which can easily lead to insults. may result in personal disqualification.” To be able to express one’s opinion peacefully”, as he affirmed.

Know how to manage emotions

As stated by the Director of UNED Pamplona, Teresa Imizkoz, “As a result of the pandemic, we are all well aware that we do not have enough tools to manage all our problems.”in a world that changes so much and with so much uncertainty, and it creates a discomfort inside us that we don’t really know what to do.” So it is considered “Essential to be able to train people”, For the general population, but especially in the educational phase, for families and in the work environment.

However, the health crisis has highlighted mental health problems across all ages, which has had a significant impact on young people, leading to really serious and worrying situations, for example, suicide. UNED Pamplona-Fundación Caja Navarra, President of Emotional Intelligence, wants to solve this social problem. Special Area on Youth Mental Health and Suicide Preventionone of two.

Furthermore, one of its objectives is “Provide training opportunities to improve the social-emotional competencies of teaching professionals, Educational and health guidance in Navarra; Increasing awareness among citizens about the convenience of improving their emotional intelligence;Promote lifelong emotional learning, take side of dissemination of research results and transfer of scientific knowledge to Navarrese society; and encourage researchBasic and practical on emotional intelligence.


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