The role of hugs in people’s emotional well-being, according to science

throat They are loving gestures that create a strong emotional bond between people. This gesture causes our body to release oxytocin, a hormone that creates a feeling of well-being and reduces stress.

Hugs can console us, make us feel safe and at peace, but they can also provide so much more Emotional, mental and physical benefits,

The answer is related to us sense of touch, because it is very powerful for our brain. Therefore, when our skin receives a hug, it sends signals to the part of the brain responsible for processing emotions and triggers a chain of emotions. neurological symptomsReleases hormones that help us reduce stress and feel good.

This is what science says about the benefits of hugs

According to European Institute for Positive Psychology (IEPP)Hugging is a gesture practiced from the first year of life, which biologically releases hormones such as Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin During physical contact.

Hugging is fundamentally effective physical and mental development Of both infants and children. In fact, some of the benefits of breastfeeding are related to the close and deep contact between mother and baby during feeding.

According to the same study, this type of physical contact Improves marital and family relationships, fights insomnia, reduces stress and increases self-esteem, stimulates neuronal growth and survival and can prevent and reduce diseases,

Some studies have shown that hugging not only improves the quality of life, but also prolongs life, stimulates the senses and helps control appetite.

Similarly, lack of this condition can lead to negative habits such as excessive and uncontrolled eating, smoking or consuming too much alcohol.

El Universal (Mexico)


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