These are the countries with the lowest mental health in South America: Brazil and Bolivia lead the list. Peru Mental Health who World

The mental health of the population in Peru has been an area of ​​increasing concern, with efforts to improve access to services and reduce associated stigma. Photo: LR Rachana/Pixabay

Mental well-being is a growing concern around the world due to increasing public awareness about the importance of mental health. However, major challenges still remain, such as social stigma, lack of access to mental health services, and stress due to modern demands. In that line, Sapien Labs, A United States-based psychological well-being organization has launched a recent study about the global mental health landscape. According to this report—in South America— brazil and bolivia They lead the list of countries with the lowest levels of mental well-being among their population.

Definition of mental well-being according to World Health Organization (WHO) It focuses on the ability to cope with everyday challenges and actively contribute to society. In a recent investigation, the index of Mental Health (ISM)—MHQ——As explained by Sapien Labs, of half a million people in 71 countries. This index incorporates a person’s cognitive and emotional abilities, providing a comprehensive view of mental well-being.

Countries with the lowest mental well-being in South America

According to this study, Brazil is the Latin American country with the lowest MHQ with only 53%. Bolivia is in second place with 60% and Chile is in second place with 68%. And, in fifth place are Paraguay and Argentina, countries that have the same level of MHQ with 71%.

According to the latest data collected on the subject, with regard to Peru, it is in ninth place with Colombia, since both have the same average of 77%.

In Latin America, according to WHO, it is estimated that about 22% of the population does not have regular access to basic health care services. Photo: RT

according to him Ministry of Health (MINSA), During 2013, from January to July, at least 911,330 cases were treated for mental health disorders and psychosocial problems. The disorders most frequently treated last year were anxiety (231,874 cases in 2023), depression (139,121 cases), abuse syndrome (132,980 cases), emotional and behavioral disorders in childhood and adolescence (111,364 cases) and mood disorders . Psychological development (109,679 cases).

Countries with the lowest mental well-being in the world

The study recorded the lowest numbers in Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil. Furthermore, about 35% of British respondents experienced a crisis, in contrast to 17% of Italian respondents, putting Britain in the leading position in terms of the level of crisis among its population.

“Overall, Spanish-speaking Latin American countries were in the top half of the rankings, while Anglophone South Asia, Russophone Central Asia, and mainstream Anglophone countries were in the bottom third,” the report said.

The Ministry of Health has covered more than 650,000 consultations for the treatment of depression through the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS); This includes cases ranging from mild to severe.

According to Sapien Labs, changes in social interaction patterns and the workplace may be the main factors that negatively impact community well-being. Furthermore, it suggests that increased economic prosperity does not guarantee greater social well-being, given that elements have been identified that may influence the average mental health index (MHI) in more prosperous countries.

These elements relate to the early acquisition of smart mobile devices, habitual consumption of processed foods, and decreased closeness in family and friendship relationships.

(TagstoTranslate)Mental health(T)Rising anxiety(T)Public awareness(T)Social stigma(T)Access to services(T)Stress(T)Sapien Labs(T)Global study(T)World Health Organization(T)Capacity Challenges to face (T) Mental health index (T) MHQ (T) Cognitive and emotional skills (T) Brazil (T) MHQ 53% (T) Bolivia (T) MHQ 60% (T) Chile (T) MHQ 68%(T)Guatemala(T)MHQ 70%(T)Paraguay(T)Argentina(T)MHQ 71%(T)Peru(T)Colombia(T)MHQ 77%(T)Anxiety(T)Depression( t)Abuse syndrome

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