Madrid MIR doctors condemn their exploitation and abandonment: 14 hospitals do not monitor their residents

A doctor reviews some X-rays (Pixels)

Resident Internal Physician (MIR) They have been protesting against their working conditions for a long time. He “Study on MIR working hours and breaks in Spain”, prepared by the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), projected in 2023”inadequate conditions with excess workWhich they have to face throughout the national territory.

But this time only MIR raised its voice. Used to be Juan Carlos Lorite (@PerritoDelMir) on social networks), a second-year resident in the specialization of Endocrinology and Nutrition, who called. He published a survey on Twitter (now X) in which his Madrid colleagues could report irregularities in hospitals in the region. This initiative has attracted a lot of attention and has managed to collect anonymous experiences 3,045 people Which carries out MIR in the general emergency services of the hospitals of the Community of Madrid.

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The results led to a study prepared by him and eight other residents, who preferred to remain anonymous. The report published this Monday shows that unless 14 centers in the Madrid community They leave MIRs to their fate during emergency services shifts.

Problems arise during 24 hour guard what these students do emergency services, “This shows a huge overload of attendance, it causes a lot of trouble, they are not training at all and we should be working in shifts to train ourselves, not to take away work. And it’s literally the other way around in practice,” Lorite deplored in a conversation. Infobay Spain,

Royal Decree 183/2008 establishes that “surveillance of residents from the first year will be physically present”, while it will be progressive from the second year. However, this is not true on a daily basis. Thus, among the 25 hospital centers analyzed in the Community of Madrid, there will be 14 In which residents work without constant supervision,

Table of hospitals with residents who do not undergo continuous supervision (Juan Carlos Laurite)

The situation is particularly repeated in larger hospitals (over 1,000 beds), as smaller hospitals do not have enough residents to leave alone. For this reason, in centers such as the Gregorio Marañon Hospital or the Alcorcón Foundation, they are old residents (second year or higher) who have completed perform supervisory duties During the night. Meanwhile, the residents condemn, the assistants sleep. “If they try it, they can sleep up to eight hours,” says Lauright.

You may be interested in: This is the MIR specialty in which the most guards are created: more than 6 per month on average.

He and his colleagues deplore that resident doctors “monopoly most of the work and are the ones who get the least rest and are the least paid.”MIR doctors in Madrid start from base salary 1,169 euros net From 1,477 net euros in its first year to 1,477 net euros in the fifth year. For guards they receive a total of 11.61 to 18.56 euros per hour on weekdays. “These are salaries that are not commensurate with the responsibility or burden of care,” the text protests.

their Demand They are simple. The law is enforced and there is at least one deputy in the emergency room at all times, breaks are distributed evenly and the guard limit has been reduced from seven to three per month.

In 2024, Madrid will be the region of Spain with the lowest investment per inhabitant in community health care.

What they call “” increases the burden of careFear of waking up the deputy, In short, it is the fear of retribution: not knowing how to act in the face of anger, accusations, ridicule or certain distractions or threats for informing the tutor about the resident’s poor performance. “There are situations in which it is difficult for you to know whether the pathology is serious or not and most of the time you do not wake up (Deputy) because fear of retaliation“, the interviewees said in their testimony. This causes MIRs to avoid seeking help, “which clearly puts patients’ lives at risk,” Loright says.

This is evidenced by one of the anonymous complaints that came up in the surveys: “One day a patient came in critical, the pager for his assigned assistant was called and he did not answer. In desperation, calls were made to others who did not answer because ‘it was not their call centre.’ Patient, By the time the deputies responsible arrived, he was dead.,

Lorite’s initiative “arises from the great feeling of frustration of residents in our daily lives.” A sentiment that was not seen in previous generations, but has erupted among today’s youth.

“Many residents see that you have to avoid MIR by any means and then have to face it and live with what you have criticized. Today’s generation does not marry him, We want to train ourselves well and then train and become teachers for future generations,” he explains.

Through their study, the residents want to show society that “there are assistants who are not trained residents, who are not caring for patients.” ,Either we get it out there or it will never change.,

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