Neuropsychiatric pharmacy explores its development paths in precision medicine

Last week, the Neuropsychiatric Pharmacy Group of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) held its sixth edition. Conference on Controversies in Neuropsychiatric Pharmacy, sponsored by NeuraxPharm. The topic chosen on this occasion was ‘Moving towards precision psychiatry? Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics in psychiatry: evidence and controversies’.

Amaya Rojo and Miriam Celdran, hospital pharmacists and conference coordinators, explained that, “Precision medicine is an emerging approach to the treatment and prevention of diseases that takes into account individual variability in each person’s genes, environment and lifestyle and is Clinical and biomedical research, as well as transforming health care from both conceptual and methodological perspectives, provide extraordinary opportunities to improve public health and reduce health care system costs. However, the implementation of precision medicine represents a challenge at the ethical-legal, regulatory, organizational and knowledge levels.,

“That is why, following the traditional approach to neuropsychiatric pharmacy controversy conferences, we have set ourselves the objective of this conference To highlight the opportunities offered by precision psychiatry as well as the main challenges we may face“, the coordinators explained.

The sessions were divided into two tables focusing on psychopharmacotherapy from two complementary perspectives. Icier Martínez, coordinator of the Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Genetics Unit of HU SON Espaces, moderated the first session, which was attended by Azucena Aldaz (Hospital Pharmacy. University of Navarra Clinic), emphasizing How phenotype is more important than genotype and the high incidence of phenoconversion in neuropsychiatry therapy positions Pharmacokinetics as the main tool for treatment optimization and Narcis Cardoner (Director of Psychiatry. Sainte Creu i Sainte Pau Hospital) who explained with clinical cases how pharmacogenetics has a potentially beneficial role in optimizing pharmacological treatments.

In the second session, moderated by Francisco José Toja (Hospital Pharmacist. Santiago de Compostela Hospital Complex), Mª Luisa Martín (Hospital Pharmacist. Gregorio Marañon Hospital) and Manuel Martín (President of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry. Medical Director of the Hospital Sisters) . of Navarra) participated. It was clear from this table thatTo implement precision medicine, it is necessary to address the organizational and knowledge challenges that arise with the professionals involved., Dr. Martin highlighted the subtle differences that exist between the terms personalized medicine, which involves caring for each person individually, a key idea of ​​the person-centered care model, with precision medicine, which individualizes diagnosis and treatment. Attempts to obtain genetic and clinical information.

He also talked about, “It is important to standardize the way we interpret and record all the data we collect No matter which center or country they work in, they are exploited in the same way, This will allow us to achieve the single objective that all health professionals pursue, that of better mental health of our patients,” the speakers highlighted.

The day concluded with the presentation of the awards by Miriam Celdrán and Concepcion Porras, Brand Manager Pharma of Neuraxpharm. First prize, payment of registration to an international conference related to neuropsychiatry, corresponds to the clinical case of diagnostic and pharmacological challenges in the treatment of schizophrenia with residual symptoms in a patient on hemodialysis: Mario Fuentes Herrero Multidisciplinary experience with paliperidone presented by (Hospital Santa Cru and Sant Pau of Barcelona).

The second prize, payment for registration to a national conference related to neuropsychiatry, concerns the clinical case ‘The role of the pharmacist in the cessation of opioids’ presented by Cristina Martínez (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon in Madrid).

(Tags to translate)Pharmaceutical Care

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