Robotic surgery in modern medicine

robotic surgery This is one of the most exciting developments in medicine today. This technology has changed the way surgeons perform various surgical procedures, allowing less invasiveness and greater precision.

What is robotic surgery?

It is a procedure in which surgery is performed using small instruments attached to a robotic arm. The surgeon controls it using a computer. The patient is given general anesthesia, so that they remain pain-free and asleep. The expert sits at a nearby computer station and controls the robot’s activities from there. Small surgical instruments are secured to the automaton’s arms.

Robotic surgery is generally safe when performed by an experienced surgeon in an appropriately equipped medical center. Like any surgical procedure, there are risks, but robotic technology has greatly improved the safety of many surgeries.

How is it done?

The surgeon makes small surgical incisions to insert the instruments into the body. A thin tube with a camera on the end, called an endoscope, allows the surgeon to see three-dimensional magnified images of the body while performing surgery.

The robot mimics the surgeon’s hand movements to carry out the procedure using small instruments.

Robotic surgery involves the use of a robotic system consisting of mechanical arms and a high-definition camera with attached surgical instruments. The surgeon sits at a console and uses controls to observe the movements of the robot which carries out the operation with millimeter precision.

The precise and small movements performed with this type of surgical procedure offer some advantages over common endoscopic methods. Thanks to this method the surgeon can perform precise movements. This allows you to perform the procedure through a smaller incision that previously could only be done with open surgery.

The surgeon can more easily inspect the area where he is going to operate. This technology also allows you to drive more comfortably.

Performing robotic surgery can take longer due to the time it takes to program the robot. Additionally, many hospitals may not have access to this method. However, it is becoming common.

Where is it used?

Robotic surgery can be used for many different procedures, including coronary artery bypass, removal of the gallbladder, hysterectomy, removal of all or part of a kidney, kidney transplant, surgery on sensitive parts of the body such as blood vessels, nerves. Or involves cutting out cancerous tissue from vital organs. of the body, hip arthroplasty, mitral valve repair, pyeloplasty or surgery to repair ureteropelvic junction obstruction, radical prostatectomy, pyloroplasty, tubal ligation and radical cystectomy.

The surgical instruments used in robotic surgery are much smaller than those used in open surgery. Because the incisions are smaller, there is less trauma and less bleeding during the procedure, which also means smaller scars and less pain after surgery.

its disadvantages

Disadvantages include the need for the surgeon to use instruments in a narrow space, rigid equipment, and the view of the specialist being through a video screen, which can be confusing.

Risks of any anesthesia and surgery include problems breathing, reaction to the drug, infection, or bleeding.

its benefits

Benefits include faster recovery, less pain and bleeding, surgical incisions are usually smaller than traditional open surgery, less risk of infection, shorter hospital stays, and smaller scars.

In short, robotic surgery is an advanced and exciting tool in the field of surgery that has significantly improved the quality of life for many patients. For anyone facing surgery, it is important to discuss all of your options with your surgeon and consider robotic surgery as a potentially beneficial option. As always, the key to a successful outcome is the alliance between the medical team and the patient.


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