Travelers who arrive in Cuba hoping to enjoy their vacation or reunite with family and friends should take into account the current customs regulations for personal luggage.
Although the import of personal belongings up to 25 kg is exempt from tariffs, there are some items that are not considered so and which may cause confusion.
Small television:
One of the things that raises questions is the small television. Cuban Customs defines “portables” as those that operate independently, without the need to be connected to electric current.
In this sense, a small television that does not have an internal battery is not considered a personal effect and will be subject to payment of the tariff.
Desktop Computers,
Resolution 357 of 2012 establishes that laptops, laptops, minilaptops, tablets are considered personal belongings. Therefore, a desktop computer is not included in this category, Cuban customs officials explain in one of their videos. Channel From YouTube.
Play Station,
In the case of video games, the same resolution indicates that the items are considered personal effects intended for the entertainment of children. Therefore, if a minor travels with a PlayStation, it will be considered part of his personal luggage.
However, if an adult is traveling alone with a PlayStation, it will not be considered as personal effects and they will have to pay the corresponding fee.
Fees for items not considered personal effects:
Travelers who bring items that are not considered personal effects, such as televisions, desktop computers or PlayStations, may import them, but must pay the corresponding tariffs:
-Flat Screen TV:
- 32 inches: 250 USD
- Between 32 and 42 inches: 400 USD
- Over 42 inches: 500 USD
-Complete desktop microcomputer: 200 USD
-Video game console: 200 USD
Personal items: trip to Cuba
- Clothing, Shoes, Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene Items,
- portable digital media player,
- mobile phone (cell phone),
- portable television set,
- laptop personal computer,
- camera, and
- Goods for transportation, entertainment, food and care of children according to age.
Remember that keeping these rules in mind will help you properly prepare for your trip to Cuba.
(TagstoTranslate)Cuban customs(T)Cuba(T)Personal luggage(T)Suitcase for Cuba(T)Customs regulations(T)Travel to Cuba