Mental Health Education Happiness in School and the Art of Conversation, by Fiorella De Ferrari. Opinion

According to the Gestalt Institute of Lima, 10,347 cases in November 2023 violence among students at the national level, and ‘Naughty‘That was the main problem. This results in anxiety attacks, learning problems, depression and suicidal thoughts. Similarly, cases of misbehavior with students by teachers doubled in the first half of 2023 compared to 2022. According to the Siseway platform, we are talking about 3,168 reported cases.

The data presented here is reported only. we know it’s good mental health And this welfare They are associated with greater school attendance, better academic performance and participation in classes (UNESCO, 2021). There is no doubt that our students need to develop a box of social and emotional tools not only to desist from being perpetrators of violence, but also to build healthy relationships, welcome others and feel capable in the face of unpleasant situations. Is. “Problem solving and emotion regulation are associated with improved coping and resilience, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, and reduced substance consumption” (UNESCO 2021).

Knowing that children and youth spend six to eight hours with us in schools, we have a responsibility and it is also an opportunity. It is clear that this problem requires a systemic approach that addresses its multidimensional nature. What I propose to you today is a humble contribution from my role as a teacher, a kind of initial focus that guides educational centers and teachers.

Conversation: I want to highlight an often underestimated, but extremely important element, the transformative power of conversation and the benefits of educating children in the art of conversation. Conversation is a powerful tool for building culture welfare, It requires the deployment of social and emotional skills, and children are trained in conflict resolution. Imagining daily school life where conversation takes center stage is important. Children need to feel that their voices are heard and valued, so they can develop more confidence in themselves and their communication skills.

The dialogue is presented as a democratic exercise that encourages expression, exchange of viewpoints, and collaborative construction of ideas. It facilitates the clash and elaboration of ideas, stimulates curiosity and promotes active listening. Additionally, a sense of humor plays an unifying role by reducing tension and creating an environment conducive to open and honest communication.

Conversation is a practice that values ​​differences in themselves and, in turn, highlights our differences. I remember the first time I heard a teacher say, in the middle of a heated discussion among children, “How wonderful, we have different viewpoints.” Approaches that celebrate diversity of opinion encourage participation and avoid violence, To create a sense of belonging among the students. A few days later, a girl from the same group said during a reflection meeting: “We have all spoken, but we have not heard from Ignacio yet.” Conversations can be welcoming and inclusive.

The art of conversation also stands out as a major tool for self-knowledge. Conversations with others challenge prejudices, modify perspectives and enrich our understanding of life.

However, how much do we talk about in schools? How curious are we to hear the perspectives of adult children and youth? How capable are we of giving up our role in the conversation? How much do we talk to students about topics that bother them, interest them, or want to understand? How much room do we give for “I feel so” or “I feel like this”? We need to be available to them and constantly promote spaces for group interaction.

a culture of welfare It is characteristic of all forms of coexistence that promote the well-being of all. In this sense, dialogue can be a fundamental pillar. Why do we enjoy talking so much? This can be a question to start our school year and a strategy to activate a cycle of conversation that is very beneficial for us.

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