The Power of Kissing: How Being Kissed and Feeling Love Affects Your Emotional Well-Being and Your Health

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  • How does kissing affect mental health?
  • What are the health benefits of kissing?

kisses They go beyond mere displays of affection; Science supports its important role in people’s health, According to experts In evolutionary psychology, these gestures serve a fundamental adaptive purpose for the survival of our species.

When receiving a kiss, especially on the face, we activate a complex network of sensory receptors that capture information from touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. This information travels to the brain, triggering a series of chemical reactions. feeling of welfare.

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How does kissing affect mental health?

Kisses play an important role in our emotional health, In times of stress, anxiety or sadness, a simple kiss can act as an emotional balm, calming our nerves and providing comfort.

kissesSuch a simple and simple gesture, as far as surprising potential emotional well-being, In both infants and adults. One of the underlying mechanisms of this emotional power oxytocin is released During a kiss, who can Reduce cortisol, hormone levels Tension,

it Hormonal effects help create a feeling of relaxation and peace in those receiving the kiss, Thus, the simple act of kissing can have a significant impact on our emotional state and contribute to our general well-being.

Furthermore, according to research conducted in Albany, United States in 2018, it was found that deep kissing during sexual intercourse Increase your chances of reaching orgasm, The results of this research show that kissing is especially important to women in the context of intimacy.

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What are the health benefits of kissing?

Kissing not only has emotional and sexual benefits, it’s also beneficial has a positive effect on us oral health,

Fernando Soria, specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry, sheds light on The act of kissing stimulates the salivary glands, increasing saliva production. This increase is important, because saliva acts as a natural protector of our teeth. Learn about some of the benefits of kissing on oral health:

  • increased saliva production: Kissing activates the salivary glands, which increases the amount of saliva in our mouth. Saliva not only helps keep your mouth moist and comfortable, but it also plays an important role in neutralizing acids and remineralizing tooth enamel.

  • cavity protectionSaliva contains minerals like calcium and phosphate, which help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavity formation. Similarly, saliva also contributes Remove food debris and bacteria from the oral cavityWhich helps in reducing the risk of suffering from dental diseases.

    Saliva released during kissing contains enzymes that can fight oral bacteria. (Photo: Archive)
  • antimicrobial action– Saliva contains enzymes and proteins with antimicrobial properties that can help fight bacteria that cause oral diseases, such as cavities and periodontal disease.

  • Improves gum health: Kissing can stimulate blood circulation in the gums, which may contribute to better periodontal health and reduce the risk of gum disease.

Summary, Kissing is not the only expression of love and affection, but it can also have a positive impact on our oral health. So next time you kiss remember that you are kissing too Take care of your smile.


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