First screenshot of what the new functionality will look like WhatsApp, multi-platform chatComing to light and giving hints on how to use the feature that will allow you to talk to people on Telegram, Messenger, Signal and other platforms.
WABetaInfo Discovered an interesting screen in version of WhatsApp for Android, stating that users can disable third-party chat or allow the feature only for select apps.
As can be seen in the leaked screenshots, one of the great novelties offered by this function is that users will be able to decide with which other platforms they have to interact.
The outlet also discovered a splash screen for third-party chat, to give users a better idea of how things will work.
A disclaimer seen in the screenshot reads, “Third-party applications are offered to users in our European region in accordance with the law.” This suggests that third-party chats will not be available outside of Europe for now.
The outlet also reiterated that group chats will not work with third-party apps. It also echoed previous confirmations that voice and video calls would not work.
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