Study says individual mental wellness exercises aren’t useful in the workplace

New research published in the ‘Industrial Relations Journal’ concludes that there is no evidence that mental well being At a personal level, programs such as mindfulness, resiliency and stress management, relaxation classes and wellness apps benefit employees.

The study was based on survey data from 46,336 workers in 233 organizations in the United Kingdom. Across multiple indicators of subjective well-being, participants in health interventions mental well being At the personal level, they appeared to be in no better condition than other workers.

There are other types of things that can be done. Photo: Freepik.

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What can be done to improve mental health and workplace environment?

Study author William Fleming, of the Wellbeing Research Center at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, says that organizational interventions (such as changes to scheduling, management practices, employee resources, performance reviews or job design) may be more beneficial in improving recovery. Well-being in the workplace.

They want better labor practices. Photo: Freepik.

“There is a growing consensus that organizations need to change the workplace, and not just the workers,” says Fleming. “This research analyzes interventions welfare Supplement trials are often conducted in individual organizations, across hundreds of workplaces, and the lack of any benefit suggests we need more ambition when it comes to improving employee well-being. I hope these results may encourage further research and action by employers,” the expert concluded.

Why is it important to have good mental health in the workplace?

keep good mental health Work at the workplace is important for many reasons. First, a large part of our adult lives is spent in a work environment, where we face constant change and challenges such as pressure to improve efficiency and productivity. uncaring work environment mental health This can cause physical and mental health problems.

Work stress can also cause physical problems. Photo: Freepik.

Additionally, factors such as inefficient communication practices, long working hours, lack of team cohesion, and bullying or harassment can have a negative impact. mental health From the workers. However, there is increasing recognition that employee mental well-being contributes positively to organizational outcomes as well as employee health, professional fulfillment, and quality of life.

with information from Europa Press

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