Running Won’t Help You Lose Weight: Why You Should Try Other Activities After Age 40 to Lose Weight

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  • Why running is not an ideal activity after age 40?
  • Other Options: What Activities Should You Try After Age 40?

run It is one of the most popular and accessible physical activities, often chosen by people who want to stay in shape or lose weight. But, after 40 yearsThis may not be the best option for those looking to lose weight.

This activity can be done, but with some precautions. “Running increases a lot of stress tendons, muscles and jointsWhich greatly increases the risk of injury,” says personal trainer, Adrien Rodriguez. we Lives,

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Why running is not an ideal activity after age 40?

start a routine run This may seem like the ideal solution for people who want to remain active and healthy, especially after the age of 40. However, this excitement is to run can have unwanted effects on our bodyEspecially in relation to cortisol levels and muscle loss.

  • increased cortisol: Moderate exercise is known for its benefits in reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which is essential to avoid an increase in blood pressure and a decrease in the body’s defenses.

    However, for those who are just starting out in this world run, the effect may be opposite. Intense physical exertion, especially if you are not accustomed to it, can result in an increase in cortisol.

    This increase not only contributes to problems like high blood pressure and increased susceptibility to infection, but can also cause protein to be taken from the muscles to generate energy, resulting in effective muscle loss.

Running is very beneficial, but after the age of 40 you have to be careful. (Source: Archive)
  • Muscle loss and its consequences: According to Adrien Rodriguez, a fundamental aspect for health is to focus not so much on the number shown on the scale, but on the amount of muscle we have.

    If you are not used to running, you put your body under intense physical stress. There we run the risk of losing muscle, which slows down our metabolism.

  • Importance of controlling speedMany people, wanting to get rid of extra kilos, increase the intensity and duration of their runs every day. This approach, instead of being beneficial, can cause back and knee pain.

    In this way, the joy of running will turn into torture, which will eventually lead to abandoning the activity.

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  • run slowly: While all physical exercise is beneficial, it is important to overcome a sedentary lifestyle. ,Lack of physical activity is the fourth risk factor for mortality Most importantly, there are approximately 32 million deaths every year across the planet,” says the personal trainer.

Other Options: What Activities Should You Try After Age 40?

Adrien Rodríguez assures that for those for whom running is not the most ideal option, there are alternatives such as yoga or pilatesWhich makes the body strong and flexible. Furthermore, they are especially recommended for starting an exercise routine in middle age.

Yoga is an ideal option for those who do not want to run. (Photo: Archive)

On the other hand, focusing on running as the primary method for losing weight and staying fit after age 40 may overlook an effective alternative: running. weight training, This type of exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of obesity, with just two sessions a week reducing it by up to 30%.

Weights help burn calories efficiently and are especially important in this process. gaining and maintaining muscle mass,

It is important to remember that, like any physical activity, the introduction of weight training should be progressive. It is not advisable to try to lift excessive weights right from the beginningBecause it can cause injury.

Before completing or modifying your daily routine, it is advisable to consult an expert.

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